1.   Peasants certainly lacked the spatial mobility required for regular participation in the politics of the realm.

2.   Social mobility, therefore, is again closely linked to spatial mobility.

3.   Indeed, the recent decline in spatial mobility means that daily life is increasingly limited to relatively small regions.

4.   Some of these ways entail high spatial mobility and others do not.

5.   High levels of spatial mobility are involved as he is regularly posted to regions where the multinational is operating.

6.   The result is that their high social mobility does not entail high levels of long distance spatial mobility.

a. + mobility >>共 115
upward 18.25%
social 10.75%
labour 6.00%
greater 5.25%
limited 5.00%
increased 3.75%
downward 3.00%
full 2.75%
spatial 2.75%
high 2.25%
spatial + n. >>共 124
relationship 6.67%
ability 4.00%
mobility 3.67%
datum 3.33%
skill 3.33%
dimension 3.00%
organization 3.00%
task 2.67%
entity 2.67%
memory 2.33%
每页显示:    共 11