1.   I hope that you will be able to spare the time to complete this form.

2.   Buddy, can you spare the time?

3.   And some families may be unable to spare enough time to give the dogs the human contact the breed seems to crave.

4.   Can he spare the time, for instance, to rally international coalitions?

5.   Each female is mated over the course of one week, and little time is spared for feeding.

6.   During the heyday of his match-racing career, a younger Prudhomme admittedly spared little time for sponsors, media and fans.

7.   Generally, she is the ultimate hostess, even giving a few private tours when she can spare the time.

8.   He slept three to five hours a night because he would not spare more time from work.

9.   If we can spare time to extend our trip farther to the north, into Mendocino County, all the better.

10.   Jolly also has new uses for what little spare time he has.

v. + time >>共 481
spend 18.25%
take 15.59%
have 13.39%
serve 2.96%
give 2.84%
play 2.01%
buy 1.60%
waste 1.52%
come 1.49%
need 1.18%
spare 0.08%
spare + n. >>共 519
life 11.40%
expense 7.35%
effort 6.15%
time 1.65%
civilian 1.58%
thought 1.50%
part 1.35%
rod 0.98%
detail 0.98%
child 0.90%
每页显示:    共 22