1.   After clearance, rice is cultivated, followed by soya beans and maize and eventually semi-permanent pastures are established.

2.   It is made from fermented soya beans and the whole process of producing the sauce should take at least a year.

3.   That helped drive world growth, boosting global demand for everything from oil and aeroplanes to soya beans.

4.   The traditional consumers of soya beans are countries of the Far East.

5.   Enormous acreages of soya beans are grown in the United States.

6.   There has also been a breakthrough in the breeding of soya beans where resistance to damage by glyphosate has been genetically incorporated.

7.   This would be valuable for those crops processed before use, eg, oilseed rape, sugar beet or soya beans.

8.   Although biotechnologists had previously had success in breeding resistant broad-leaved crops, such as soya beans and tobacco, cereal crops have been much more difficult to modify.

9.   A bean that is sold under the most disguises is the soya bean or soybean.

n. + bean >>共 73
jelly 19.21%
soy 11.59%
soya 9.93%
garbanzo 7.28%
arabica 5.30%
sea 4.64%
high-quality 2.65%
espresso 2.65%
robusta 2.65%
quality 2.32%
soya + n. >>共 32
price 26.97%
bean 16.85%
oil 10.11%
sauce 7.87%
milk 5.06%
crop 3.93%
drink 3.37%
harvest 2.81%
market 2.81%
product 2.25%
每页显示:    共 30