1.   He picked up his soup spoon and banged it twice on the table.

2.   His wife fiddled with her spoons, putting the dessert spoon into the curve of the soup spoon.

3.   Smooth the mixture with the back of a soup spoon.

4.   Arpaio believes the kids passing through his facility should come out having learned something other than how to transform a soup spoon into a shank.

5.   B. Use a soup spoon.

6.   Begin with steak tartare, a dish that is usually plated as a first course, and serve it on Asian soup spoons.

7.   About four shrimp will fit into a soup spoon.

8.   Across the table, Mrs. McCoy puts down her soup spoon.

9.   C. Use a soup spoon.

10.   Lower the heat to a steady simmer, uncover and spoon the dough over the fruit, forming small dumplings with a soup spoon.

n. + spoon >>共 45
soup 21.84%
batter 5.75%
grapefruit 5.75%
dessert 5.75%
sauce 5.75%
demitasse 3.45%
kitchen 3.45%
caviar 2.30%
baby 2.30%
coke 2.30%
soup + n. >>共 115
bowl 14.69%
pot 11.67%
plate 6.24%
can 5.03%
mix 4.83%
mixture 4.63%
spoon 3.82%
line 3.82%
tureen 3.62%
base 3.62%
每页显示:    共 19