1.   For best flavor results, use a large soup kettle or stockpot with a nonreactive lining.

2.   In a large soup kettle or Dutch oven, heat oil until hot.

3.   In a soup kettle, heat the grease or oil over medium-high flame.

4.   Place in a soup kettle with broth and onions.

5.   Put chicken and broth in small Dutch oven or soup kettle over medium heat.

6.   Some may go unclaimed, but Darter said he was not about to start heating up the soup kettle.

n. + kettle >>共 21
tea 43.64%
soup 10.91%
brew 7.27%
iron 3.64%
miniature 3.64%
say 3.64%
aluminum 1.82%
brass 1.82%
candy 1.82%
collection 1.82%
soup + n. >>共 115
bowl 14.69%
pot 11.67%
plate 6.24%
can 5.03%
mix 4.83%
mixture 4.63%
spoon 3.82%
line 3.82%
tureen 3.62%
base 3.62%
kettle 1.21%
每页显示:    共 6