1.   A sound like an electric drill ran round the room.

2.   All he could get was atmospherics, a gushing sound like running water.

3.   Ask a practitioner more about it - sounds like something anyone who pulls on a pair of trainers should know about!

4.   He lowered his face into his hands and sighed once with relief, a sound like a low note on a bagpipe.

5.   He made a pensive sound like a distant bugle.

6.   If that all sounds like success, there is another, more amazing story which Provincial can now tell.

7.   If you think the contrarian suggestions sound like so much hogwash, consider this.

8.   It fostered an atmosphere of intimidation and blackmail within which realism came to sound like racism.

9.   Johnny tried to deepen his voice to sound like a grown-up.

10.   Liese made the ocean sound like a hungry beast that demanded to be fed with human flesh.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
people 2.77%
place 2.11%
country 1.89%
thing 1.83%
issue 1.58%
player 1.18%
look 1.13%
group 1.08%
city 1.05%
sound 0.82%
sound + p. >>共 69
of 69.86%
like 9.84%
from 3.50%
in 3.35%
to 1.69%
on 1.54%
for 1.39%
with 1.22%
as 0.89%
at 0.76%
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