1.   De Klerk did announce one piece of news that sounded good for the National Party.

2.   It all sounds good for the future, but Taylor insists the team has not written off this season.

3.   It also sounded good for opening-act Blues Traveler, which scored with its harmonica-syncopated funk.

4.   It sounded good for a month or two, but eventually he went back to his real life.

5.   That means beer and wine production is to be encouraged, which sounds good for Tsingtao.

6.   Does not sound too good for employees, me included!

v. + good + for >>共 16
be 92.97%
look 4.40%
feel 0.73%
make 0.37%
consider 0.34%
prove 0.28%
go 0.18%
sound 0.18%
remain 0.15%
find 0.09%
sound + good + p. >>共 9
to 60.00%
in 11.43%
on 10.48%
at 8.57%
for 5.71%
as 0.95%
before 0.95%
during 0.95%
with 0.95%
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