1.   All of which sounds a bit fishy -- selling off a chunk of the government to regain control of it?

2.   It sounds fishy.

3.   Ivy Walker of Suisun City thought the whole thing sounded fishy, too, so she checked the address and phone number of the group behind the program.

4.   Sound fishy?

5.   Sounded pretty fishy to me so I asked him to describe his symptoms.

v. + fishy >>共 7
be 34.04%
smell 23.40%
look 17.02%
sound 10.64%
taste 8.51%
appear 4.26%
seem 2.13%
sound + a. >>共 1547
good 5.57%
familiar 3.48%
optimistic 2.36%
simple 1.69%
great 1.64%
confident 1.35%
better 1.32%
upbeat 1.17%
reasonable 1.00%
similar 0.95%
fishy 0.08%
每页显示:    共 5