1.   Targeting particular sectors sounds fine, but other strong competitors May already be targeting the very same areas.

2.   Elite sounds fine to Trump.

3.   Except perhaps for privacy concerns associated with computers autonomously handling personal information, invisible computing sounds fine and good.

4.   The measure, which would require students to take three years of language classes and pass a challenging exam to graduate, sounds fine in the abstract.

n. + fine >>共 191
traffic 6.03%
face 5.40%
works 4.76%
court 3.17%
work 2.86%
government 1.59%
club 1.59%
pay 1.59%
moment 1.27%
sound 1.27%
sound + n. >>共 43
good 11.54%
great 8.97%
familiar 5.13%
fine 5.13%
echo 3.85%
came 3.85%
crazy 3.85%
simple 3.85%
time 3.85%
kind 2.56%
每页显示:    共 4