1.   But just remember, more often than not stories like these sound better than they really are.

2.   By the way, Microsoft claims that files recorded in WMA actually sound better, even using the current version of Media Player.

3.   Maybe I make Angelina County sound better than it is.

4.   No matter how much you invest in receivers, DVD machines or digital recordings, nothing enhances the sound better than choice speakers.

5.   Such threats, aimed more at the American voters than at the international arena, sound better on the campaign trail than they would as policy.

a. + better >>共 164
little 39.11%
far 11.55%
even 1.86%
game 1.68%
getting 1.49%
only 1.49%
done 1.49%
playing 1.12%
english 0.93%
known 0.93%
sound 0.93%
sound + n. >>共 670
system 11.30%
quality 5.68%
card 4.40%
policy 3.43%
advice 2.40%
reason 2.14%
business 1.74%
investment 1.68%
equipment 1.48%
footing 1.31%
better 0.14%
每页显示:    共 5