1.   It is worth sounding a warning to those who are part of a tightly-knit family unit.

2.   Also sounding the alarm is a national group of critics of standardized tests, FairTest, based in Cambridge.

3.   Sounding more scientific is the windshield factor.

4.   Sounding off Wednesday was Wayne Gretzky of the Los Angeles Kings, the best-known player in the business.

5.   When similarly sounding names were on both lists, the rate of errors doubled, he said.

6.   The Irishman thinks sounding American is one of his greatest challenges.

v. + be >>共 1472
be 2.59%
trade 2.09%
go 1.46%
fighting 1.32%
win 0.99%
do 0.97%
get 0.96%
fight 0.87%
have 0.80%
play 0.78%
sound 0.01%
sound + v. >>共 11
be 30.00%
like 20.00%
drain 10.00%
blend 5.00%
compare 5.00%
determine 5.00%
even 5.00%
horn 5.00%
knock 5.00%
seem 5.00%
每页显示:    共 6