1.   This cream soothes aching muscles.

2.   Archaeologist Mike Fulghum said aching muscles are soothed by the passion of history.

3.   Locally, massage therapists are using it to soothe tired muscles.

4.   Massage therapists and chiropractors have circulated among the rows of cots and donate their expertise to soothe aching muscles.

5.   She said the oil is used in hand lotions and can soothe aching muscles.

6.   Ultrasound offers comparable hope -- the kind of ultrasound used to test fetuses, not the more powerful version therapists use to heat and soothe sore muscles.

v. + muscle >>共 271
flex 18.01%
pull 5.82%
have 5.42%
build 4.74%
strain 4.33%
strengthen 4.20%
use 3.99%
relax 2.71%
tear 2.71%
add 2.44%
soothe 0.41%
soothe + n. >>共 200
concern 7.01%
fear 6.82%
nerve 5.49%
pain 3.79%
feeling 3.03%
tension 3.03%
soul 2.46%
anger 2.08%
worry 1.89%
investor 1.89%
muscle 1.14%
每页显示:    共 6