1.   And it has a resonant somber tone that asks as many questions as it answers.

2.   And the somber tone with which it described the atomic blasts suggests that its editors were aware of the enormity of the events they were reporting.

3.   Gone were the nuclear angst and somber tone of the original.

4.   Most often, they shook their heads and spoke in somber tones.

5.   On Monday, however, Harris, one of three members of the state elections canvassing board, adopted a low profile and a somber tone.

6.   Other reporters affect somber tones at such moments.

7.   Speaking in a somber tone, Thompson said he was saddened but not surprised, since many women on public assistance struggled with similar issues.

8.   Speaking in somber tones and without bitterness, Pfeiffer urged the triumvirate to quickly hire a new chief executive.

9.   The full council stood as a group, dressed in somber tones of gray and black, and repeated the lengthy oath of office.

10.   The potted olive trees representing peace, the brilliant spring day, and his resplendent white and gold robes contrasted with the somber tones of his message.

a. + tone >>共 1107
conciliatory 4.15%
hushed 2.25%
different 1.90%
new 1.78%
right 1.45%
negative 1.45%
same 1.42%
firm 1.04%
positive 1.04%
overall 1.01%
somber 0.68%
somber + n. >>共 302
mood 7.56%
music 4.78%
note 3.55%
tone 3.55%
ceremony 2.62%
face 1.85%
expression 1.70%
suit 1.70%
silence 1.54%
affair 1.23%
每页显示:    共 23