1.   Aluminium smelters are only one of a score of industries which now pollute the total environment with fluoride emissions and solid wastes.

2.   Another employee group studied problems in solid waste, where waiting time at the Energy Recovery Plant was delaying drivers every afternoon.

3.   Dissolved metals form a solid waste.

4.   For many years, solid waste was incinerated.

5.   Solid wastes are either burnt or buried in landfill tips and fluid wastes are dumped in the sea.

6.   The licensing of tip sites for the disposal of solid waste requires similar inspections.

7.   Their goal is to recycle all air, water and solid wastes using mechanical and chemical processes as well as plants.

8.   Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.

9.   The myth has it that Americans consume too much, since the creation of solid waste per person continues to climb.

10.   In reality, increases in solid waste are based largely on the mathematics of households, not individuals.

a. + waste >>共 402
nuclear 23.00%
radioactive 11.47%
toxic 11.12%
human 3.70%
industrial 3.54%
solid 2.50%
low-level 1.96%
high-level 1.77%
animal 1.71%
liquid 1.42%
solid + n. >>共 1460
gain 2.18%
performance 1.86%
evidence 1.84%
defense 1.74%
food 1.64%
ground 1.55%
support 1.45%
majority 1.38%
foundation 1.25%
growth 1.15%
waste 1.05%
每页显示:    共 79