1.   There have been only a few solid jabs from the right about a quota system that has sent a cohort of liberal activists marching through a passive Senate.

2.   With Schulz fighting cautiously, Foreman started quickly, repeatedly connecting with a solid left jab and occasionally landing heavy blows to the body to win the early rounds.

3.   With Schulz fighting cautiously, Foreman started quickly, repeatedly landing a solid left jab and occasionally landing heavy blows to the body.

4.   His victory came as a result of solid jabs and hooks that often went unanswered.

5.   The second round was marked by a lot of clinching, although Tyson got in a couple of hard head shots and one solid left jab to the face.

6.   Tyson rallied in the seventh round but then Holyfield took charge in the eighth and ninth with solid left jabs and sharp rights and Tyson appeared befuddled.

7.   Tszyu was hurt by a right hand from Tackie in the third round but otherwise worked with hard right hands and solid jabs to frustrate Tackie.

a. + jab >>共 170
left 20.77%
right 6.74%
stiff 6.56%
verbal 4.74%
hard 4.55%
good 2.37%
sharp 1.82%
light 1.64%
playful 1.64%
little 1.28%
solid 1.28%
solid + n. >>共 1460
gain 2.18%
performance 1.86%
evidence 1.84%
defense 1.74%
food 1.64%
ground 1.55%
support 1.45%
majority 1.38%
foundation 1.25%
growth 1.15%
jab 0.09%
每页显示:    共 7