1.   Careful observation of how the child manages pieces of solid food can be very informative.

2.   Finger foods can be introduced as a way of showing the child that solid food can have an interesting taste.

3.   He is not allowed solid food yet, only fluids.

4.   Introducing solids A gradual thickening of baby food is often a preferable way to introduce more solid food.

5.   Is the baby eating solid food yet?

6.   Is the baby eating solid foods yet?

7.   On the phone I had been warned to take no solid food for three hours prior to the test.

8.   The next day Mark felt well enough to eat a little solid food.

9.   Try starting your baby on solid foods at four months old.

10.   When my daughter seemed to lose interest in breastfeeding and demanded more solid food, I spent several days feeling depressed.

a. + food >>共 920
good 2.32%
emergency 2.17%
pet 1.59%
modified 1.43%
free 1.41%
chinese 1.41%
processed 1.39%
fresh 1.38%
organic 1.35%
staple 1.33%
solid 0.97%
solid + n. >>共 1460
gain 2.18%
performance 1.86%
evidence 1.84%
defense 1.74%
food 1.64%
ground 1.55%
support 1.45%
majority 1.38%
foundation 1.25%
growth 1.15%
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