1.   Decorative stylisation is very Marked, surfaces are dotted or outline clings round a solid core.

2.   The planet had a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, both metallic.

3.   To prepare for a lifetime of learning, all students need to meet higher standards and master a solid academic core.

4.   With so much change and fragmentation in the new career world, you need a solid core of self.

5.   A solid core distributes the shock of hard landings through the body.

6.   But there is still a solid core of single-outlet stores that serve a particular community or neighborhood and are still the top dog on their special turf.

7.   Clearly Ozawa has a solid core of support in the Boston organization.

8.   Feinstein acknowledges that conventional wisdom holds that a low turnout tends to help groups such as Missourians Against Crime, which has a solid core of ardent supporters.

9.   Georgia still returns a solid core, especially with junior guard D.A. Layne deciding to return to school for his senior season.

10.   However, the solid inner core exerts a stabilizing influence, forcing the restless fields to stay in place longer than they would otherwise.

a. + core >>共 363
inner 6.44%
very 3.76%
urban 3.76%
solid 3.54%
small 3.11%
central 3.01%
strong 2.79%
emotional 2.26%
so-called 1.29%
new 1.18%
solid + n. >>共 1460
gain 2.18%
performance 1.86%
evidence 1.84%
defense 1.74%
food 1.64%
ground 1.55%
support 1.45%
majority 1.38%
foundation 1.25%
growth 1.15%
core 0.44%
每页显示:    共 33