1.   A white woman had also reported that a black soldier threw her on the ground and ran away.

2.   At times, some soldiers even threw themselves on the barbed wire and allowed other squad members to walk over them.

3.   A few hours later, other soldiers threw more smoke grenades.

4.   According to accounts by Human Rights Watch, the Russian soldiers threw grenades into civilian shelters and summarily executed villagers.

5.   After the civilians returned to their shelter the soldiers threw in several grenades.

6.   Entrepreneurs, tour guides and churches have cashed in on Jesus since soldiers threw dice for his clothing after the crucifixion.

7.   It was only four years since he and other Polish soldiers threw down their weapons and fled the Nazi blitzkrieg.

8.   Once, while walking to work, Israeli soldiers threw tear gas at her, she says.

9.   Past the skulls lined up in the long grass outside, through the holes in the church wall where soldiers threw in grenades, lies a snapshot of terror.

10.   Saadulayev said the soldiers threw a grenade at him, but he jumped back into the basement and escaped injury.

n. + throw >>共 1159
protester 3.75%
judge 3.73%
court 3.48%
demonstrator 2.88%
fan 2.74%
man 2.33%
people 2.16%
youth 2.16%
pitcher 2.14%
student 1.89%
soldier 0.97%
soldier + v. >>共 818
be 10.12%
fire 4.07%
die 2.97%
shoot 2.77%
say 2.50%
kill 2.43%
open 2.14%
take 2.09%
return 1.40%
have 1.32%
throw 0.28%
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