1.   American soldiers rushed to the scene to restore order, firing their weapons to disperse the crowd and searching buildings in the area.

2.   On Monday, as Taliban troops fled Kabul ahead of the advancing opposition, a Taliban soldier rushed into the prison and ordered them to go with him.

3.   On Monday, as Taliban troops fled Kabul ahead of the advancing opposition, a Taliban soldier rushed into the prison and ordered them to come with him.

4.   Russia has vowed not to repeat the mistakes of that war, in which Russian soldiers rushed to the center of Grozny at the outset of the fighting.

5.   Soldiers once rushed into her office.

6.   The tank crashed through the heavy gates, and a soldier rushed toward the palace demanding to know how to reach the flagpole on the roof.

7.   The soldiers rushed to the area near the town of Koraj in northeastern Bosnia as the shooting started early Monday.

8.   U.S. soldiers rushed to the scene and spread out tensely around the intersection, trying to move the shouting crowds away.

9.   When soldiers rushed to see what happened, the second bomb erupted.

10.   About a half dozen soldiers rushed someone on a stretcher out the front gate of the residence.

n. + rush >>共 681
people 5.09%
ambulance 4.39%
company 3.22%
police 3.05%
official 2.21%
worker 2.04%
investor 2.01%
man 1.64%
water 1.61%
resident 1.41%
soldier 0.87%
soldier + v. >>共 818
be 10.12%
fire 4.07%
die 2.97%
shoot 2.77%
say 2.50%
kill 2.43%
open 2.14%
take 2.09%
return 1.40%
have 1.32%
rush 0.15%
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