1.   This stage of the palaver seemed to have ended with four soldiers dead, the capital under curfew and the general back in his palace.

2.   As he spoke a voice crackled over his walkie-talkie reporting six or seven soldiers dead in one strike.

3.   Rebels ambushed government troops on patrol in northwestern Burundi, leaving six soldiers dead and sparking heavy fighting, a rebel spokesman and a witness said Friday.

4.   A border clash between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops left one Armenian soldier dead, the Defense Ministry said Saturday.

5.   An attack on government troops earlier in the week left four civilians and three soldiers dead.

6.   Battles between security forces and Muslim rebels holding five hostages on a southern Philippine island have left three more soldiers dead, the military said Saturday.

7.   Clashes between government troops and Tamil Tiger rebels in northeastern Sri Lanka on Thursday left four guerillas and a soldier dead, a military official said.

8.   Earlier, Gen. Jose Grijalba in Quito said there were unconfirmed reports of two Ecuadorean soldiers dead.

9.   Fighting between Ugandan troops and rebels in Kisangani last week reportedly left seven Ugandan soldiers dead and five rebels wounded.

10.   Government troops clashed with bandits in the southern Philippines, leaving at least two marauders and a soldier dead, police reported Tuesday.

n. + dead >>共 187
people 26.16%
war 6.68%
two 5.89%
three 5.10%
brain 4.76%
man 3.51%
four 2.94%
soldier 2.49%
five 2.15%
civilian 1.59%
soldier + n. >>共 219
fire 7.27%
hostage 7.01%
dead 5.71%
shot 3.90%
son 2.60%
home 2.08%
leave 1.56%
fly 1.04%
approach 1.04%
prisoner 1.04%
每页显示:    共 22