1.   The software enables multiple users to manage the entire network from any point.

2.   High-strength Internet privacy software enables individuals, businesses, law firms and hospitals to encrypt, or scramble, their private Internet messages from potential eavesdroppers.

3.   Image viewing software enables computer users to call up and manipulate images that have been scanned into their system.

4.   In addition, special software enables booksellers with Web sites to get in on the act, becoming e-book sellers.

5.   Instant messaging software enables the judges to correspond quickly with their law clerks.

6.   New video software enables coaches to add graphics or a voice-over to underwater swimming videos as a television commentator or producer might.

7.   New telephone answering machine software enables the computers to turn themselves on to answer calls and then power off.

8.   Napster, of course, is the company whose file-sharing software has enabled millions of users to get copies of music they did not necessarily pay for.

9.   Software enables them to engage in problem solving, creativity games and learning vocabulary in English, French and Spanish.

10.   Software enables employees scattered around the world to easily meet and share documents over the Web.

n. + enable >>共 912
system 3.30%
technology 3.06%
option 2.81%
move 1.78%
law 1.69%
deal 1.45%
agreement 1.20%
software 1.16%
program 1.12%
victory 0.99%
software + v. >>共 440
be 24.88%
allow 4.53%
let 3.42%
have 3.01%
help 2.41%
make 2.31%
work 2.27%
use 1.85%
include 1.80%
run 1.53%
enable 1.30%
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