1.   David appears more frequently and with a higher profile in the society columns.

2.   He and his girlfriend made the society column.

3.   Holzer, who now sells real estate and still occasionally shows up in the society columns, remains scornful of those who mistreated the Calder.

4.   His roguishly debonair image, familiar from advertisements and society columns, together with a raft of licensed products, made him an avatar of American chic.

5.   His pasteboard drama appealed to the generation whose exploits dominated society columns between the wars.

6.   Mrs. Trump believes the society columns offer blue-collar workers a blueprint for upward mobility.

7.   Returning to Los Angeles after the war, he wrote a society column for The Los Angeles Times.

8.   He appears in the national news, the sports page and even the society column.

9.   The sultry, dark-eyed Close is a familiar figure in newspaper society columns.

n. + column >>共 324
newspaper 17.98%
gossip 7.54%
loss 3.61%
win 3.45%
advice 3.21%
steel 2.81%
humor 1.93%
opinion 1.85%
tank 1.77%
refugee 1.77%
society 0.72%
society + n. >>共 244
member 5.48%
official 3.33%
page 3.13%
columnist 2.54%
group 2.35%
photographer 2.15%
figure 2.15%
woman 2.15%
garlic 1.96%
column 1.76%
每页显示:    共 9