1.   Your argument presupposes that Dickens was a social reformer.

2.   This presupposes that Dickens was a social reformer.

3.   As a social reformer, Kalman has a less secure legacy, a condition that is also a commentary on the profession of design.

4.   At heart, he is a social reformer.

5.   But when Ignatz makes his deal, she denounces him as a sellout, comparing him unfavorably to his social reformer firebrand brother, Gustave.

6.   Calls for old-age security had become standard fare for labor organizers and social reformers by the end of World War I, but they were little heeded.

7.   By the early years of this century, Science was in the saddle and experts were supplanting sermonizers, poets, and social reformers.

8.   Currently, he is producing a movie about the Catholic social reformer Dorothy Day.

9.   Dickens was a very serious social reformer.

10.   Forged in Victorian Britain, the eugenics movement spread quickly across the world, winning approval from top intellectuals and social reformers.

a. + reformer >>共 210
economic 9.71%
young 5.15%
radical 4.41%
social 4.12%
liberal 3.97%
democratic 3.68%
russian 3.53%
prominent 3.09%
leading 2.94%
would-be 2.06%
social + n. >>共 797
issue 4.47%
program 4.21%
welfare 3.22%
unrest 2.97%
problem 2.90%
life 2.21%
justice 1.99%
policy 1.93%
change 1.83%
conservative 1.47%
reformer 0.16%
每页显示:    共 28