1.   Liberalism had always claimed to stand for the greatest social good.

2.   And high-technology companies, seeing a combined opportunity to create a market and contribute to the social good, have donated millions of dollars to the effort.

3.   Credit unions say the cost to taxpayers is more than offset by the social good they create.

4.   He balks at official claims that water is subsidized for the social good.

5.   He argues in both books that policy makers should worry about morality and the social good, but not fund managers, because markets are inherently amoral.

6.   Health care is just such a social good, and the mongers of profit at all costs are shamelessly transforming it rapidly into just another market commodity.

7.   He says the industry is too driven by ratings and advertisers to work for social good.

8.   If you can use the profile of a sports team to do some social good, why not?

9.   Interviewed earlier this week, Reinhardt said health care is increasingly being seen as a commodity as opposed to a social good.

10.   Is the money a goal in itself or a tool for social good?

a. + good >>共 242
public 10.58%
common 10.21%
pretty 9.66%
greater 9.47%
very 7.15%
little 3.44%
real 2.41%
them 2.32%
social 1.95%
long-term 1.02%
social + n. >>共 797
issue 4.47%
program 4.21%
welfare 3.22%
unrest 2.97%
problem 2.90%
life 2.21%
justice 1.99%
policy 1.93%
change 1.83%
conservative 1.47%
good 0.12%
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