1.   Elephants are social animals.

2.   Like families gathered at Christmas, social animals are poised between cooperation and conflict.

3.   One advantage in being a social animal is that one need not discover practices for oneself.

4.   The mountain Gorilla, a uniquely social animal, is threatened by habitat destruction and poaching.

5.   To Freud man is a social animal without being entirely a socialized animal.

6.   He is simply not a social animal.

7.   Above all, Guillen is a social animal.

8.   Adult alpacas, which stand about four feet high, are social animals.

9.   Alan Richman was never much of a social animal.

10.   But such selection could operate on any highly social animal, whether or not it has language.

a. + animal >>共 1061
wild 7.15%
stuffed 5.29%
infected 3.85%
dead 3.13%
live 2.91%
small 2.29%
young 1.71%
endangered 1.65%
different 1.61%
exotic 1.57%
social 0.78%
social + n. >>共 797
issue 4.47%
program 4.21%
welfare 3.22%
unrest 2.97%
problem 2.90%
life 2.21%
justice 1.99%
policy 1.93%
change 1.83%
conservative 1.47%
animal 0.23%
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