1.   She has been charged with conspiring to smuggle women into the country and force them to work as prostitutes.

2.   Thai police said Mr. Gamble told them he only smuggled one woman and had no idea that she would be a prostitute.

3.   The organized gangs of traffickers who lure and smuggle young women, mostly from Eastern and Central Europe, into prostitution are ruthless.

4.   While the Lemmon character is faithfully married, the Garner character is such a womanizer that he smuggled women into the White House using a secret passage.

5.   Police arrested four people accused of smuggling Vietnamese women across the border for sale in China, the Saigon Newsreader said Wednesday.

6.   Police on Thursday announced the arrest of a Japanese man believed to be the kingpin of a gang that smuggled Thai women into Japan inside suitcases.

7.   Police in southwest Romania on Thursday arrested a man on charges of smuggling three women into neighboring Yugoslavia and selling them into prostitution.

8.   A man pleaded guilty Thursday to smuggling Thai women into Texas and forcing them to work as prostitutes to pay off their transportation debts.

9.   A former Olympic gold medalist has been arrested for alleged involvement in a criminal gang that smuggled women from Eastern Europe into Austria, local media reported Thursday.

10.   A Los Angeles man convicted of smuggling Russian women into California to work as prostitutes has been sentenced to five years in prison.

v. + woman >>共 742
kill 5.19%
include 4.20%
rape 2.70%
see 1.95%
injure 1.72%
take 1.50%
treat 1.44%
marry 1.38%
help 1.28%
arrest 1.27%
smuggle 0.19%
smuggle + n. >>共 349
drug 8.43%
weapon 7.45%
heroin 6.19%
ring 5.26%
arm 4.28%
cocaine 3.63%
operation 3.54%
immigrant 3.21%
charge 2.70%
explosive 2.14%
woman 1.21%
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