1.   After perming, a neutraliser containing conditioning ingredients is applied to smooth the surface of the hair.

2.   Divide the batter evenly into the pans, smoothing the surface.

3.   Finishing the arch consists of adding corner bead to reinforce the edges of the arch, then applying joint compound to smooth the surfaces.

4.   How can I smooth the surface so that I can hang wallpaper over it?

5.   Pour the batter into the prepared dish and smooth the surface.

6.   Put in potato mixture, then smooth the surface.

7.   Scrape batter into pan, smoothing the surface.

8.   Scrape the batter over the fruit in the pan and smooth the surface with a rubber spatula.

9.   Smooth surface and then arrange sliced peaches on top of batter.

10.   Spread ricotta mixture in pan, smoothing surface.

v. + surface >>共 390
scratch 9.05%
cover 6.32%
reach 4.70%
break 3.50%
skim 2.56%
coat 2.31%
brush 1.71%
clean 1.62%
smooth 1.54%
damage 1.45%
smooth + n. >>共 182
way 16.43%
top 6.47%
relation 5.07%
transition 4.37%
path 4.20%
edge 3.50%
surface 3.15%
hair 2.97%
feather 2.62%
process 1.75%
每页显示:    共 18