1.   Extension of the smoking ban on airplanes to include any flight that starts or ends in the United States.

2.   Observance of the smoking ban in public buildings.

3.   The smoking ban is a major topic of discussion these days.

4.   Officers hope the leaflet will encourage other firms in the town to slap a no smoking ban on their premises.

5.   Aquarian, a transplanted New Yorker, said he would not go into a bar that enforces the smoking ban.

6.   As currently drafted, the tobacco accord calls for massive restrictions on cigarette advertising and retail sales, a national indoor smoking ban and bolder warning labels.

7.   Bay Area Rapid Transit, or BART, which has expanded its smoking ban to enclosed areas outside its fare gates, continues to grow.

8.   A chart provides statistics on how a smoking ban could cost thousands of tobacco company workers their jobs and slash government tax revenue.

9.   But bar owners in several of those areas said the smoking ban was not enforced by local authorities.

10.   But so far, no repeal effort of an outdoor smoking ban has succeeded.

a. + ban >>共 485
total 8.46%
such 4.36%
global 4.27%
proposed 3.88%
worldwide 3.63%
outright 2.92%
constitutional 2.92%
complete 2.53%
international 2.47%
federal 2.36%
smoking 1.91%
smoking + n. >>共 306
marijuana 9.00%
rate 5.50%
ban 5.42%
habit 4.94%
cigarette 4.06%
ruin 3.43%
area 3.19%
section 2.95%
cessation 2.79%
bans 2.63%
每页显示:    共 68