1.   But smog obscures this view for all but a few days a year.

2.   For example, at Acadia National Park the view of Penobscot Bay is often obscured by smog that includes particles emitted by Midwestern power plants.

3.   These days smog usually obscures the hills, but this remains a colorful spot, a low-rise mini-world with a distinctly Chinese feel.

4.   But heavy smog obscured the view by millions of capital residents.

5.   Heavy smog again obscured the view by millions of capital residents.

6.   Mediocrity more than smog obscures the unexceptional skyline.

n. + obscure >>共 205
cloud 10.04%
fog 2.87%
mist 2.15%
smog 2.15%
dust 1.43%
smoke 1.43%
tree 1.43%
time 1.08%
controversy 0.72%
haze 0.72%
smog + v. >>共 54
be 19.79%
obscure 6.25%
affect 5.21%
cause 4.17%
reach 3.13%
shroud 3.13%
have 2.08%
dim 2.08%
discolor 2.08%
force 2.08%
每页显示:    共 6