1.   They smashed its skull ... and then laid it back where they found it.

2.   They smashed its skull... and then laid it back where they found it.

3.   Casartelli then flew into the air and appeared to smash his skull into one of the low, concrete blocks lining the road high above a valley.

4.   It was Savage, investigators said, who struck the most serious blows, smashing the skull of Liu with a brick.

5.   Their skulls were smashed apart to get at the nutritious brain tissue, Defleur and White report.

6.   They then tried to kill her by suffocating her with a plastic bag over her head and smashing her skull with a television set, investigators said.

7.   Her killer or killers smashed her skull and dumped her body in a stream known as The Loch.

8.   Many were mutilated, their eyes gouged out, their throats slit or their skulls smashed.

9.   Many had their eyes gouged out, throats slit or skulls smashed.

10.   But when she tried to resist him and cried out for help the man smashed her skull with a brick and fled.

v. + skull >>共 134
fracture 19.00%
crush 7.01%
find 6.79%
crack 5.88%
collapse 5.20%
smash 2.26%
cut 2.04%
reconstruct 1.81%
break 1.81%
pierce 1.81%
smash + n. >>共 387
window 34.65%
car 3.36%
way 2.07%
racket 1.87%
ball 1.87%
windshield 1.81%
head 1.75%
glass 1.23%
furniture 1.23%
bottle 1.10%
skull 0.65%
每页显示:    共 10