1.   As any candidate who is faltering knows, slinging a little mud can make him shine in the polls.

2.   At the very least, the lower gene count will be used by Celera to sling mud at competitors like Incyte and Human Genome Sciences.

3.   Bob Dole predicted Saturday that Democrats would sling mud this week at their national convention in Chicago, but said his campaign team was ready for anything.

4.   All summer and into the fall, Herenton and Ford have slung enough mud at each other to damn up the Mississippi River flowing through downtown Memphis.

5.   But he who lets mud be slung on him without exposing the mudslingers loses elections.

6.   Even the president and fellow politicians sling some mud now and then.

7.   Meanwhile, the various camps are beginning to sling political mud.

8.   On a book tour, you are not campaigning, not trying to haul people over to your side, not slinging mud at anybody.

9.   Slinging mud about your co-worker is lowering yourself to his level, but defending yourself is not.

10.   The only ones not slinging mud are the fighters, Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield, who will get around to their business soon enough.

v. + mud >>共 135
throw 5.75%
sling 5.36%
scrape 4.21%
wash 3.07%
get 2.68%
clean 2.68%
shovel 2.68%
hurl 2.30%
leave 1.92%
have 1.92%
sling + n. >>共 97
mud 8.33%
rifle 8.33%
bag 5.36%
arrow 2.98%
low 2.98%
ball 2.38%
guitar 2.38%
weapon 2.38%
hammock 1.79%
body 1.79%
每页显示:    共 14