1.   And commentators Tuesday wondered whether his slim margin would mean it would be difficult for him to hold Canada together in the event of another separatist referendum in Quebec.

2.   As it enters the holiday shopping season, Kmart has little choice but to keep its sale signs out, eating further into its already slim margins.

3.   As percentages go, that was about as slim a margin as possible without pitching a shutout.

4.   Before gas prices started their rise last year, drivers reaped the benefits of both low crude prices and slim margins for refiners.

5.   A deeply divided Supreme Court late Tuesday ruled against recounts in the state which could have erased Bush slim margin of victory.

6.   A new president elected with a slim margin of victory almost certainly will confront a new Congress where only slim majorities prevail.

7.   A steep drop in income has nonetheless meant disaster to farmers already working on slim margins.

8.   But he did so with very slim margins.

9.   By unofficial counts, Malone has been projected to be the winner by a slim margin over Jordan.

10.   China has been able to block the vote each year, but by slim margins.

a. + margin >>共 370
wide 10.11%
narrow 6.35%
gross 4.98%
large 4.11%
operating 2.90%
slim 2.87%
final 2.74%
comfortable 2.58%
higher 2.49%
overwhelming 2.26%
slim + n. >>共 279
majority 11.77%
chance 9.30%
margin 7.41%
lead 5.93%
hope 3.95%
volume 3.37%
pant 3.21%
picking 2.88%
skirt 2.55%
gain 2.06%
每页显示:    共 89