1.   I looked around for the slightest sign of life.

2.   Indeed, if we leave only the slightest sign of our passing we should be satisfied.

3.   There was not the slightest sign in his behaviour of any strict Methodist upbringing.

4.   They had always found buccaneering terribly alarming, and felt seasick at the slightest sign of bad weather.

5.   Arena seemed sensitive to the notion of building a team that would not splinter at the slightest sign of misfortune.

6.   Again and again, the slightest sign of an impending decision set off a flurry of rumor and media attention.

7.   But for all that, there is not the slightest sign of Pataki or his supporters backing away from their candidate.

8.   Ethicists said it encouraged eugenics, by making it more likely that doctors would recommend abortions at the slightest sign of a problem during the pregnancy.

9.   His Justice Department colleagues say that Hubbell betrayed not the slightest sign of tension until the very end.

10.   It all seemed to end with the absolution of Geoghan, in whom the psychiatrist found not even the slightest sign of a dangerous condition.

a. + sign >>共 992
first 7.30%
warning 5.83%
little 5.06%
good 4.30%
positive 3.46%
encouraging 3.11%
clear 2.96%
early 2.94%
latest 2.22%
new 2.10%
slightest 0.35%
slightest + n. >>共 318
hint 6.82%
bit 5.83%
sign 3.74%
movement 3.30%
provocation 2.31%
idea 2.09%
change 1.87%
interest 1.87%
thing 1.87%
touch 1.76%
每页显示:    共 34