1.   Any perceived slight is enough to set them off.

2.   But some whites counter that the complaints of official racism are exaggerated by well-meaning but thin-skinned blacks who perceive slights in what are indeed normal police procedures.

3.   But the session in Paris was hardly a major session, and bemused French officials insisted no slight was intended.

4.   No slight was intended, he added.

5.   No slight was too small to take on.

6.   Such a slight could be a step backward in the Syria-Israeli peace talks, they said.

7.   The debates may be about policy, but they are also deeply personal, and there are fresh slights to accompany the old wounds.

8.   The slight was testament to his strained relationship with King Hussein and the simmering feud between Jordan and the Palestinians over Jerusalem.

9.   Usually, Ward said, the slight was more subtle.

10.   He suggested the slight was intentional, but said the incident could be resolved.

n. + be >>共 1635
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
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issue 0.48%
slight 0%
slight + v. >>共 31
be 26.00%
chance 12.00%
come 4.00%
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become 2.00%
bevel 2.00%
change 2.00%
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