1.   I slide the bar back to the desired level, and it stays until I shut off the computer.

2.   To freeze, use a spatula to slide each bar off foil.

3.   The numbers in the spinner will also increase or decrease as you slide the bar to the right or left.

4.   You can increase or decrease the brightness of the picture by sliding the bar to the right or to the left.

v. + bar >>共 370
raise 13.19%
leave 4.60%
have 3.93%
hit 3.71%
set 2.22%
use 2.08%
close 2.00%
lower 1.70%
visit 1.70%
enter 1.48%
slide 0.30%
slide + n. >>共 253
hand 6.01%
puck 5.19%
ball 4.87%
pass 4.22%
open 3.90%
arm 3.25%
door 2.92%
head-first 2.76%
foot 2.60%
finger 1.95%
bar 0.65%
每页显示:    共 4