1.   In a very large mixing bowl, combine sliced garlic, sliced ginger, crushed juniper berries and chopped onions.

2.   Lightly saute the onion and sliced garlic in the olive oil until pale golden.

3.   Pack the okra into a large jar, placing the sliced garlic, dill sprigs and chiles between the okra.

4.   Scatter lots of sliced garlic over the top and douse with lemon juice.

5.   Try it in a shrimp stir-fry with sliced garlic, or on yogurt salads, fried potatoes, baked fish, omelets.

a. + garlic >>共 134
roasted 10.75%
minced 10.75%
remaining 8.17%
fresh 5.81%
chopped 5.16%
crushed 4.09%
raw 4.09%
whole 2.80%
peeled 1.94%
fried 1.72%
sliced 1.08%
sliced + n. >>共 151
onion 10.78%
tomato 8.36%
bread 5.02%
strawberry 3.72%
potato 3.53%
fruit 3.53%
apple 2.79%
banana 2.42%
mushroom 2.42%
carrot 2.42%
garlic 0.93%
每页显示:    共 5