1.   Add sliced apples or pears to a green salad.

2.   And if the filling includes pork, throw in some sliced apples and freshly shredded ginger.

3.   And so steel rusts, copper turns green and a sliced apple becomes brown.

4.   Another salad rendition Bouillot likes combines grilled and sliced portabello mushrooms, walnuts, sliced apples or pears and baby spinach with a balsamic vinaigrette.

5.   - Thinly sliced apples and Brie.

6.   Add sliced apples and deglaze casserole with red wine vinegar.

7.   For example, consider the divorced executive with a recipe telling him to toss sliced apples in a bowl.

8.   I consider sliced apples gourmet.

9.   I like crisp sliced apples with classic Swiss cheeses, juicy grapes on the side, celery sticks with cheddar fondue, and fresh juicy vegetables with Italian cheeses.

10.   I also liked them with fresh sliced apples or pears on top.

a. + apple >>共 336
bad 5.97%
green 4.99%
fresh 3.80%
red 3.37%
american 3.04%
rotten 2.61%
unpasteurized 2.39%
old 2.17%
caramel 2.06%
sliced 1.63%
sliced + n. >>共 151
onion 10.78%
tomato 8.36%
bread 5.02%
strawberry 3.72%
potato 3.53%
fruit 3.53%
apple 2.79%
banana 2.42%
mushroom 2.42%
carrot 2.42%
每页显示:    共 15