1.   Meanwhile, slice the pork into thin strips, if desired.

2.   Slice pork thinly.

3.   Slice pork.

4.   Slice the pork, reserving any juices.

5.   Slice the pork and arrange on a warm platter with the herb branches.

6.   Slice pork and spoon sauce over the top.

7.   Spoon over sliced pork.

8.   Thinly slice pork and serve with sauce.

v. + pork >>共 130
eat 10.86%
add 6.31%
remove 5.81%
place 2.78%
serve 2.78%
buy 2.53%
put 2.53%
cut 2.27%
sell 2.27%
transfer 2.27%
slice 2.02%
slice + n. >>共 330
meat 4.02%
onion 3.21%
potato 2.07%
bread 1.95%
air 1.84%
tomato 1.84%
apple 1.61%
ball 1.61%
cheese 1.38%
cake 1.26%
pork 0.92%
每页显示:    共 8