1.   Myth had it that Mrs Thatcher only needed four hours sleep a night.

2.   The need for sleep varies from person to person -- some require more than the average eight hours sleep a night be perfectly normal.

3.   Like six hours, seven hours sleep a night.

4.   A few stoutly maintain that the human brain functions best with three or four hours sleep a night.

5.   Allowing time for mediators to huddle for staff meetings and strategy sessions, few decision-makers got more than a couple hours sleep a night.

6.   Can you sleep another night without knowing?

7.   Gallinger could not sleep that night, and he would not sleep for many more nights, he said.

8.   He got so used to operating on about four hours sleep a night that he has had to work at getting proper rest since he has been at TCU.

9.   His classmates found him bright, memorably combative and, to their astonishment, able to function on four to five hours of sleep a night.

10.   McCray told police she stayed in the car, where she planned to sleep that night, to avoid further confrontation.

v. + night >>共 320
spend 63.17%
have 3.05%
follow 1.80%
take 1.60%
remember 1.49%
fill 0.97%
say 0.97%
include 0.76%
sleep 0.73%
end 0.59%
sleep + n. >>共 117
night 10.10%
deprivation 4.33%
hour 2.88%
pattern 2.88%
wink 1.92%
disturbance 1.92%
disorder 1.92%
six 1.92%
people 1.92%
sleep 1.44%
每页显示:    共 21