1.   For example, faecal incontinence and sleep disturbance are often associated with the breakdown of caring arrangements leading to hospitalisation.

2.   Now her symptoms include thinking and memory problems, sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, dizziness and weakness, Lopez said.

3.   Antidepressant medications, for example, lower anxiety and reduce sleep disturbances, startle reactions, intrusive memories and other symptoms.

4.   Another disorder common to astronauts and older people is sleep disturbances.

5.   CFS patients also complain of depression, trouble concentrating and remembering things, sleep disturbances and pain in the muscles and joints.

6.   Davis reported that a third of the children experienced sleep disturbances, nearly two-thirds had delayed language skills and slightly more than half had delayed motor skills.

7.   Eerie lighting is characteristic of another type of sleep disturbance, called false awakening -- in which people dream they have woken up.

8.   Flowers said that since the war he had suffered sleep apnea, a serious sleep disturbance that has been reported among gulf war veterans, and other health problems.

9.   For instance, both astronauts and the elderly often experience impaired motor coordination, sleep disturbances and the loss of muscle mass and bone.

10.   Many older people are plagued by sleep disturbances.

n. + disturbance >>共 81
jet-stream 23.64%
sleep 10.85%
upper-level 9.69%
weather 5.43%
crowd 3.49%
rhythm 2.71%
heart 2.33%
upper-air 1.94%
air 1.55%
prison 1.55%
sleep + n. >>共 121
deprivation 17.12%
disorder 12.31%
pattern 7.21%
problem 6.01%
disturbance 4.20%
aid 3.30%
researcher 2.85%
cycle 2.25%
paralysis 2.10%
expert 2.10%
每页显示:    共 28