1.   Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.

2.   Sleep deprivation causes memory loss, paranoia, and other problems.

3.   Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.

4.   She is studying the effects of sleep deprivation.

5.   Many of the men were suffering from shell-shock, sleep deprivation and cold, he added.

6.   Amnesty says that Palestinians held for interrogation are commonly hooded and subjected to prolonged sleep deprivation while shackled in painful positions.

7.   And foremost, embrace sleep deprivation as a life style and advise your staff to follow suit.

8.   And technically, watching WebTV into the wee hours could cause sleep deprivation.

9.   Another symptom of sleep deprivation is that you lose energy and become quick-tempered.

10.   As a result, sleep deprivation in adolescents is receiving serious attention.

n. + deprivation >>共 25
sleep 67.06%
oxygen 14.12%
food 4.71%
sunlight 1.18%
vacation 1.18%
aid 0.59%
baseball 0.59%
charisma 0.59%
childhood 0.59%
drama 0.59%
sleep + n. >>共 121
deprivation 17.12%
disorder 12.31%
pattern 7.21%
problem 6.01%
disturbance 4.20%
aid 3.30%
researcher 2.85%
cycle 2.25%
paralysis 2.10%
expert 2.10%
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