1.   Declining corn prices encourage feedlot operators to raise more young animals to slaughter weight because lower feed costs increase profits, analysts said.

2.   Falling feed costs encourage feedlot operators to raise more animals to slaughter weight because the profitability increases.

3.   Feeder cattle rose as demand for the young animals increased as falling corn prices make it more profitable for feedlot operators to raise them to slaughter weight.

4.   Further adding to available supplies is an increase in the herd size as lower feed costs increase the profitability of raising animals to slaughter weight.

5.   It takes about four months to fatten an animal to slaughter weight.

6.   It takes feedlot operators about four months to fatten cattle to slaughter weight.

7.   It takes about four months to raise feeder cattle to slaughter weight.

8.   Pigs take about a half year to grow to slaughter weight.

9.   Ranchers sell cattle to feedlots, where the animals are fed a protein-rich diet for about four months to bring them to slaughter weight.

10.   The cost of growing steers and heifers to slaughter weight has exceeded the selling price for at least a year, he says.

v. + weight >>共 346
lose 20.05%
lift 10.64%
carry 10.60%
gain 5.87%
throw 5.09%
add 3.48%
give 3.37%
put 2.50%
have 1.91%
feel 1.46%
slaughter 0.25%
slaughter + n. >>共 127
animal 14.44%
thousand 6.32%
cattle 5.60%
people 5.05%
cow 4.87%
sheep 4.69%
hundred 3.97%
chicken 3.25%
pig 2.89%
hog 2.71%
weight 1.99%
每页显示:    共 11