1.   The army slaughtered thousands of civilians in an effort to stop the revolt.

2.   But it was religious fundamentalism that stirred those volatile forces into a chaotic stew and provided the excuse to slaughter thousands of innocent people.

3.   Christian crusaders slaughtered thousands of Muslims in order to fulfill their perceived biblical imperative to lay claim to this land.

4.   Five days later, Mrs. Bielski said, the Nazis slaughtered thousands of Jews in Novogrudok.

5.   Germany, meanwhile, closed all its livestock markets for a week, and together with the Netherlands began slaughtering thousands of animals imported from Britain.

6.   How can we consider turning the other cheek when madmen have already slaughtered thousands of innocents on our shores?

7.   Hutu then slaughtered thousands of Tutsi, and in response the Tutsi army massacred thousands of Hutu.

8.   Take, for instance, the report from Britain, where thousands of pigs have been slaughtered because of an outbreak of swine fever.

9.   The Catholic French nobility slaughtered thousands of French Protestants who had come to Paris for a wedding arranged to secure peace between the two religious factions.

10.   The Hutu guerrillas fled Rwanda fearing retribution after their tribal kinsmen slaughtered thousands of Tutsi, and they are fighting to end what they see as a Tutsi oligarchy.

v. + thousand >>共 989
kill 5.17%
send 3.14%
have 2.89%
draw 2.42%
attract 2.08%
leave 1.89%
cost 1.86%
spend 1.58%
save 1.49%
involve 1.29%
slaughter 0.44%
slaughter + n. >>共 127
animal 14.44%
thousand 6.32%
cattle 5.60%
people 5.05%
cow 4.87%
sheep 4.69%
hundred 3.97%
chicken 3.25%
pig 2.89%
hog 2.71%
每页显示:    共 35