1.   The custom of slaughtering an animal to welcome guests still survives in some areas.

2.   Although he said he did not attend, the priest described two-day parties where Carrillo would fly in famous Northern Mexico bands and have several animals slaughtered.

3.   Animal rights activists believe humans should not slaughter animals despite the fact that people have eaten meat throughout human evolution.

4.   As important is the breed, how and at what age the animal is slaughtered, and how the meat is hung and aged.

5.   Based on their age at death, the animals were probably slaughtered in the fall, the time for culling herds before winter.

6.   A sudden drop in beef consumption because of concerns about mad cow disease means far fewer animals are being slaughtered for meat.

7.   A video promoted in the ad depicts how, according to the group, animals are cruelly slaughtered in the name of fashion.

8.   After an animal is ritually slaughtered, the meat is covered with salt to draw out the blood.

9.   Clarke cited strict federal laws that ensure animals are slaughtered humanely.

10.   Farm animals have been slaughtered and parts of the countryside have been placed off limits.

v. + animal >>共 669
kill 5.68%
use 2.77%
keep 2.74%
protect 2.53%
slaughter 2.33%
treat 1.89%
raise 1.75%
bring 1.72%
feed 1.49%
take 1.40%
slaughter + n. >>共 127
animal 14.44%
thousand 6.32%
cattle 5.60%
people 5.05%
cow 4.87%
sheep 4.69%
hundred 3.97%
chicken 3.25%
pig 2.89%
hog 2.71%
每页显示:    共 80