1.   The captain slapped her palm on the desk with a sound like a breaking plate.

2.   She slapped her palms against his desk as she bent towards him.

3.   As he spoke, he slapped the palm of his left hand or tapped the bulletproof glass to emphasize a point.

4.   He slapped palms with some diehards in blue and gold.

5.   He was more animated than ever in leading the team out of the tunnel before the game, clapping his hands and slapping palms with the players.

6.   Howe slapped palms and exchanged hellos with a handful of replacement players during one of his interviews.

7.   In the closing minutes she bent over and slapped her palms on the floor and scrunched down to play some serious defense.

8.   Nevertheless, it caused me to slap palm to forehead and tip over in the Barcalounger.

9.   Occasionally, Summitt pounds them flat by slapping her palms on the court during moments of exasperation.

10.   Player and coach slapped palms.

v. + palm >>共 101
press 9.21%
slap 7.11%
place 6.69%
grease 5.44%
put 2.93%
raise 2.93%
read 2.93%
turn 2.51%
fill 2.09%
rub_together 2.09%
slap + n. >>共 331
hand 8.70%
sanction 7.97%
ball 4.17%
face 3.71%
single 3.17%
tariff 2.72%
back 2.45%
ban 2.08%
high-five 1.72%
palm 1.54%
每页显示:    共 17