1.   As it cooks, occasionally skim the scum from the top with a large spoon.

2.   Add the bonito flakes and bring to a simmer over medium heat, skimming any scum that forms on the surface.

3.   Bring to a simmer and skim the scum that comes to the top.

4.   Bring to a boil, skimming any scum that may form.

5.   Skim any scum that forms on the surface.

v. + scum >>共 9
remove 33.33%
skim 27.78%
appreciate 5.56%
catch 5.56%
dissolve 5.56%
magnify 5.56%
melt 5.56%
overhaul 5.56%
play 5.56%
skim + n. >>共 110
surface 9.77%
fat 9.45%
foam 5.86%
money 4.89%
body 3.26%
water 3.26%
top 2.93%
cream 2.61%
profit 2.61%
ankle 1.95%
scum 1.63%
每页显示:    共 5