1.   Then the dipper birds would come wheeling over the dunes, skimming the foam, light as dry leaves.

2.   Add additional water if necessary, and skim any foam that rises to the surface.

3.   Add farro, stir and simmer gently until done to your taste, skimming any foam.

4.   Bring to a simmer over moderate heat, skimming any foam.

5.   Bring to a simmer, skimming any foam.

6.   Bring to a simmer, stirring and skimming any foam.

7.   Reduce to a simmer and skim foam as it rises to the surface.

8.   Set over medium heat and bring to a simmer, skimming any foam that may form.

9.   Skim foam from the broth once or twice, as needed.

10.   Skim foam from surface, and discard.

v. + foam >>共 67
spray 15.19%
use 15.19%
skim 11.39%
skim_off 3.80%
remove 2.53%
pour 2.53%
sell 2.53%
try 2.53%
insulate 1.90%
make 1.90%
skim + n. >>共 110
surface 9.77%
fat 9.45%
foam 5.86%
money 4.89%
body 3.26%
water 3.26%
top 2.93%
cream 2.61%
profit 2.61%
ankle 1.95%
每页显示:    共 18