1.   A highly skilled workforce trained in designing and manufacturing high-quality, high value-added products at low cost, with shorter lead times.

2.   All but the far right have acknowledged the need to develop a more skilled workforce, since whites can no longer fill the demand.

3.   At Leyland, Preston and Chorley a skilled workforce has built up a reputation over many years for producing lorries and buses.

4.   So, the first requirement is that older workers should be included in the drive for a more skilled workforce.

5.   Together, the four groups produce a highly skilled workforce that no one institution could develop on its own.

6.   Even in a highly skilled workforce some people will be more capable and thus better paid than others.

7.   Cllr Rimmer stressed that Merseyside had many things going for it -- including a skilled workforce, the Port of Liverpool and its strategic spot on the world map.

8.   Instead, we are trapped in a cycle of a low skilled workforce being supervised by poorly-trained managers, producing low quality goods and services.

9.   Among other things, it bankrolled access to unprecedented amounts of information, the popularization of e-mail, online retailing, more sophisticated Web sites and a skilled workforce.

10.   A prolonged shutdown also threatens to rob aluminum companies of a skilled workforce.

a. + workforce >>共 179
skilled 6.23%
federal 5.95%
educated 3.97%
trained 2.83%
bloated 2.27%
local 2.27%
entire 1.98%
large 1.70%
total 1.42%
expanding 1.13%
skilled + n. >>共 478
worker 21.48%
labor 5.41%
player 2.34%
job 2.06%
people 1.95%
labour 1.67%
staff 1.56%
professional 1.40%
craftsman 1.28%
workforce 1.23%
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