1.   Any rise in borrowing costs can hurt company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders.

2.   Any unexpected rise in U.S. borrowing costs or Mexican consumer prices could push interest rates higher, which would hurt company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders.

3.   Any rise in U.S. borrowing costs may force Mexico to raise local interest rates, which would trim earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders.

4.   A rise in interest rates would hurt company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders.

5.   A rise in interest rates will hurt company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders.

6.   A stronger peso makes Mexican stocks worth more in dollar terms, but higher borrowing costs can hurt company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders.

7.   Declining borrowing costs can bolster company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders, making equities more attractive than fixed-income securities to many investors.

8.   Falling interest rates in the U.S. can lead to lower borrowing costs in Mexico, which will boost company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders.

9.   Higher borrowing costs hurt company earnings and the size of dividends paid shareholders, making fixed-income securities more attractive to many investors.

10.   Higher borrowing costs hurt company earnings and the size of dividends paid to shareholders.

n. + pay >>共 754
company 8.38%
government 5.56%
people 3.76%
customer 2.14%
consumer 1.95%
money 1.77%
state 1.72%
investor 1.59%
bank 1.34%
employer 1.17%
size 0.63%
size + v. >>共 218
be 37.67%
pay 6.83%
matter 4.71%
make 4.52%
fit 1.75%
vary 1.66%
have 1.66%
mean 1.48%
allow 1.39%
give 1.11%
每页显示:    共 74