1.   A well was sunk in the back garden, and water could be pumped up from it into the kitchen.

2.   A well was sunk in the back garden, and water could be pumped up into the kitchen.

3.   Amoco has yet to feel secure enough to sink a well.

4.   A drilling crew has been sinking exploratory wells throughout the area, but so far it has had little luck.

5.   In response, the government and UNICEF and other aid groups convinced villagers to sink tube wells to tap the underground aquifer.

6.   Last September, it found a gusher of gas at the same field, and this well was sunk to confirm the results.

7.   So the tribe sank a well to obtain clear water on its lands adjoining Sandy Point.

8.   The mix forms a geologic unit called an aquifer, into which wells are sunk.

9.   They sink wells in less-polluted parts of the aquifer, and jury-rig power supplies.

10.   Using what they call directional drilling, they can sink wells miles from a platform, in much deeper water, without the cost of separate platforms.

v. + well >>共 172
drill 13.08%
dig 12.15%
make 8.45%
serve 5.42%
wish 4.23%
have 3.43%
know 2.91%
poison 2.51%
sink 2.11%
contaminate 1.85%
sink + n. >>共 318
ship 8.26%
tooth 7.53%
putt 5.06%
boat 4.75%
money 4.02%
birdie 3.10%
shot 2.79%
vessel 2.37%
root 2.06%
platform 1.86%
well 1.65%
每页显示:    共 16